Thursday, 2 February 2012

Days 10 and 11

We've been at my parents' house these past two days and I'm noticing a huge change from the last time we visited. Last time I was really tempted by all the cooked goodies they have here, especially chocolate and bread, whereas now neither of those things hold any appeal whatsoever. So despite not sticking 100% to the program I've certainly changed my habits a lot in a really short time.

Yesterday I had orange juice for breakfast - my perennial favourite - and a few pieces of fruit hen I got hungry through the morning. For lunch I had a salad, and for dinner salad again. I also ate some cooked food - a few bits of a vegan vegie pie that Mum made to my recipe. I do wish I was eating 100% cooked foods, but I'm really practicing not beating myself up and I'm feeling that I'm getting closer to 100% raw every time.

I'm not, however, good at this cleanse week yet. It feels like deprivation in my mind, so I rebel, whereas the rest of the raw diet program feels like indulgence and luxury. Maybe next time I do the programs the raw cleanse week will be exactly right for me! Never say never.

Today I had a fruit smoothie for breakfast and fruit for lunch. Then, at dinner, disaster struck! We got stuck in transit on a train station and there was not a single raw thing to eat or drink! I was starving by then, we still had hours to travel, and the healthiest food around was not healthy at all. I got a slice of banana bread from a cafe because it was the 'healthiest' thing I could see. Ah well. Really I think it wouldn't be healthy to regret that since I did the best I could under the circumstances. The knock-on effect wasn't so good - I ate some chips that my husband had, because I was still hungry and we were on the train by then with no other food at all! Back on the wagon again now. I think one of the best things about this program is that it's forcing me to be persistent - to get back into raw foods every time I slip, rather than giving up each time. That's a good lesson to be learning.

I also learned the sillyness of scales in these past 2 days. I am 60kg first thing when I wake up, then 62 kilos later in the day, then 60.5 another time... I began this cleanse at 63.4 kg back on 1st January and if I'd been using the scales this whole time I'd have been really sad not to be losing more weight. However, I am losing a lot mroe than the scales show - my legs are much more slender and muscly and much less cellulite-infested, yay! It makes looking at them much nicer when I'm doing Downward Dog during yoga :-) My stomach is a lot flatter and my cheekbones are more defined. People are making comments like 'You've lost HEAPS of weight'. I'm close to fitting back into my pre-pregnancy clothes. So I'll take that as proof of good progress despite the scales! I'm so glad I don't have scales at home.

My exercise over the past few days has been quite light. Since we are at my parents' house and it is raining constantly I've just let myself get a bit lazy. Again I'm not too worried since I am going home tomorrow to re-acquaint myself with my bike.

As for happiness exercises, yesterday we had to focus on 'Raw Vegan Foods I Love (fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, recipes)'. I love dates, blueberries, cucumber, cos lettuce, tomatoes, mangoes, brazil nuts, sunflower pate, avocadoes, bananas, oranges, the list goes on... I've never met a fruit, vegetable, nut or seed that I didn;t love! Seaweed is more of a challenge since I'm not used to including it in my diet very often, but I do love sushi so I'm thinking that raw nori filled with sunflower pate is a good start.

Today's happiness exercise is to write a poem, and once again I am avoiding that one till later!

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