Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Day 3

Well the 21-day cleanse is still going well and I'm amazed that I'm not struggling with it at all so far! In the past when I've 'gone raw' I've lasted maybe a day at the most before eating some cooked food again, and the whole time it's been a battle of my desire and my will. I really think the difference comes down to the motivation provided by the fact that I'm doing a proper program. In the past there's been no objective reason to pick a particular day to start, a particular time to start saying no to cooked foods that I enjoy, whereas now there's a defined date and duration. It's great and makes things much easier for me!

Cooked foods have becomed me a couple of times today, in situations where I'd usually just grab them without thinking. A cooked piece of pasta that fell onto the bench while I was preparing dinner for my family. My son's leftover snacks - rice crackers, a slice of bread with avocado. Normally I'd eat these little bits but today I either packed them up for later or threw them away depending on the situation. Yay me! It wasn't a huge struggle but I definitely have to just shut my mind off when it starts wanting cooked food. I'm also being forced to be mindful of what I'm doing - it's so easy to eat out of habit, almost without being aware of it. This increased mindfulness can only be good for me, I'm thinking!

This afternoon I needed an emotional lift - I've had a trying day with my son in 38 degree (C) heat, and while I can understand him being grumpy in the heat it did get on my nerves. I ate a few dates to give me the fortitude to continue with the day - and it worked! In the past choclate would have fulfilled that purpose but not anymore - yeeha! Dates are such a graet chocolate substitute.

Today's food was fantastic - yummy and new and *incredibly* plentiful. There was so much to eat! For the first time in this cleanse I've come across meals that I've not made before - celery chowder and a raw pie. They were great! Also for the first time I;ve made some substitutions. The celery chowder called for a coconut, and I've never opened one before. I watched the instructions but couldn't get the thing open, for all the bashing I did! Little bits of coconut husk were a-flying! I used avocado in the recipe instread, which worked really well. The other substitution was in the pie, where I substituted strawberries (in-season and scrumptious) for apples (out-of-season and erky). Yum!

I was keen to incorporate exercise into my day mroe successfully today, so I put on my running clothes and announced to my son that he could ride his bike with me while I went for a run with the pram! He was not keen to say the least, and by the time he came around the temperature was already very high. Instead we put on a CD and danced around our lounge room for ages. We walked to the bus stop and all over town as well. Last night I did Koya's workout, which is great, and I'll do that again tonight. So I'm getting some exercise, even if not as much or as structured as I'd like.

Our happiness exercise today involved thinking of things we are grateful for. The list goes on for so long - infinitely actually. I am one happy positive chicky right now.

Our journal exercise today is to contemplate 'why' raw. The day before the cleanse started I wrote the following list of things I am excited about and looking forward to:
  • Reaching new heights within myself (i.e. being a better me).
  • Radiance, slenderness, improved personal power (over desire).
  • Achieving a challenging goal.
  • Freedom from slavery to desire.
  • The chance to test my mettle.
  • Weight loss.
  • Sense of self-efficacy.
  • A perspective shift such that I come to view raw cuisine as a complete cuisine unto itself, and a viable option for me anytime.
  • Learning how to eat a balanced raw diet.
  • Learning a variety of tasty new recipes.

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