Friday, 20 January 2012

Days 18 & 19

I've 'switched off' from this program in many ways by now. I'm not making the recipes as they're prescribed, instead I'm making my own based on how I'm feeling. This week's recipes are more complex and 'gourmet', whereas I feel more like simple meals - simple salads and fruit smoothies.

In some other important ways, though, I am still with the program. I've been doing yoga every night - I've got the routine memorised so I can do it anywhere, and yesterday I went for a lovely run. Gee it's fun to be back on my feet after months of inertia!

I am still having issues with snacking. I've found myself slipping into my old habits of snacking on nuts and dried fruit, but overall gee my habits are a lot better than they were. It is really hard not to get caught up in 'failures', but I keep reminding myself of how much junk food I'd have eaten if I wasn't on this program, and how much mroe fresh food I am eating now. All my slip-ups have made me kinda scared to weigh and photograph myself (in case there is no change!!), but photos and stats will be posted after the weekend...

My frequent departures from the program have taught me a valuable lesson - that to stay strong and raw I can't compromise with even a little bite of cooked, and that cooked food is truly an addiction. In the 28 day program following this one I will follow the program 100%.

Today's journal exercise is to write a list of habits I'd like to adopt. My list includes:

Have a liquid breakfast every day, because I feel soooooo much better throughout the morning if I eat like that.
Drink loads of water! Actually that one is pretty well implemented already - this cleanse has made me much mroe aware of my thirst. Good hydration = good skin...
Eat only raw foods! Because I feel great when I do!
Do half an hour of yoga every evening, because flexibility will increase my body's ability to move the way it was designed to move.
Do a bike ride or run every day. Because I love these activities so much, they're my 'me' time, and they make me fit and healthy too!
Do some core exercises every day. Because they will make me faster on the bike and running, and make me look like a swimsuit model as well!
Be 'in the moment' in every moment. It makes me appreciate my life more and enjoy my family to the full.
Do voluntary work for charity. Because I am so lucky and I'd love to share some of my good fortune with others.

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